Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Last night, eye woke up to use the restroom.  When eye came out, eye saw Luabelle following me.  Eye went into the kitchen for ice cream.  She stood in the doorway.  After a few spoonfuls, eye put it back in the freezer.  Then, eye couldn't find her!  Eye went back to the bedroom, the door was only open about an inch, just like eye'd left it.  And the cat was on the bed.  She'd never left.  Eye haven't had a random hallucination in a long time.  The last one was in the spring - after eye woke up, a glittery raver girl came into the bedroom & asked if eye wanted to go out, told me to get ready, then she exited for the living room.  Eye got dressed and went out there, only to find a dark room with no one in it.  Funny that eye believed it was real and didn't question the whole situation, considering it was a stranger and everything...

SO not doing well on that "not spending money" thing today.  Angel packed me an orange.  But eye decided to go get a bagel with the "$1 Tuesdays" coupon.  After that, decided to get coffee, if the line wasn't long (it usually is.)  It wasn't.  Then eye decided that they had to take m'eye order within 2 minutes or eye'd leave, and took out the phone stopwatch.  No, now they had one minute.  The cashier called me at 58 and a half seconds.  This needs to stop, considering, though eye have rent, cell phone, and bus passes taken care of through January, and if Angel pays me back - something else through mid-November... eye have $1518.67 to pay for our "Cox Bundle" (home phone, cable, and internet), electricity, and the other issue, until next semester starts.

Whenever Spanish class starts, eye usually feel lost until eye re-review the previous lesson.  It's really annoying, in the way that eye feel stupid.  We have a test and homework due on Monday.  Eye also have to meet with a group from another class on Saturday, for our group project.  They want to "go over what articles we've found."  And, eye've found nothing so far, considering eye haven't even looked!

Steve has STILL not brought back Baby's body.  Eye really hope that he actually did what he said he was going to do - can't bear the thought of her in a landfill.  Last night, eye had a dream that she came to visit me as a ghost.  Eye got to carry her around & hang out.  It was very disappointing to wake up.


  1. Too bad we don't live closer--I speak/understand Spanish pretty well, and used to work as a translator.

  2. Yeah that would be so awesome! With our last test, eye'd studied for six hours the night before, so that wasn't too bad. But if eye haven't looked at it or used it really recently, it doesn't quite seem to sink in.
