Wednesday, September 19, 2012

>( ~ *) >( ~ *) >( ~ *)

You would cry too if it happened to you.

What?  A post of substance right after such a long absence?  Don't think so!


  1. H'eye!! I thought about you the other day. A girl at the Doctors surgery had what looked like a glass eye on a pendant, I thought "Eyelick would love that"
    How goes it? the cats? school? . . . life?
    Hoping all is well in your world, take care. I hope you write soon x x

    1. Cute!

      Stuff's ok for the most part. Summer was very intense. School - been a bit lazy with unfortunately this semester, which eye'm working on correcting. Kitty is funny as usual. She likes to meow at me really loudly, sometimes just to be petted or for me to sit down so she can sit on me. She likes to lay under the covers like Baby used to do, and she licks me more often than she used to - which still isn't often, and she purrs more than she used to. The only bad things is she likes to walk under foot, and sometimes don't see her in the dark and she gets stepped on. Across from school, there's an ad regarding two kitties needing a home, eye wish eye could take them and it makes me sad that eye can't. They're longhair and he's allergic (Luabelle is too, but she doesn't shed much, and actually Baby did a whole lot more. But most long hair cats do lots.) and my kitty is mean to other kitties. She even gets mad if she hears other kitties in the yard - she'll flatten her ears and growl, sometimes run off to a window toward the direction of where it's coming from. And if she sees them in the yard she gets agitated, flips her tail back and forth. She'll chase them if she gets out. We used to have a screen door that was broken along the bottom. She'd squeeze through to go after them.

  2. Hello there.I love eyes to.I bet your are beautefull.I noticed your avatar.Are those your eyes?If so they are beautifull.
